Monday, January 25, 2010

Money Blinds What Legal Right Do I Have As An Owner For A Property Mgt. Co. Tospend My Money On Misc. Expenses Like Blinds?

What legal right do I have as an owner for a property mgt. co. tospend my money on misc. expenses like blinds? - money blinds

I have to rent an apartment, and I am a company in Portland, Oregon, the property manager. I have signed an agreement whereby "mgnmt cooperation. It is a flat in good condition to hold, according to management plan, local codes and other applicable laws of the State or its subdivisions. This includes but is not limited to, cleaning, painting is, decoration, plumbing, carpentry, a basic care and maintenance and repair of other subjects, will be necessary limitations imposed by the owner in writing in advance. The cost of maintenance and repairs are paid by the customer, owns the operating account. " agent or for ongoing repairs and make reasonable to trhe without the prior written consent of the owner, to an amount of $ 500.00, except for emergency ... "Mgnt cooperation. Spend most of my money per month in misc. Expenditure and the last time was $ 300 for parts and various unspecified. Repairs. I feel that I have rights and my money


garyp said...

Get a new management company if you do not like how one of them.

kingstub... said...

His contract was probably written by the management company so that their conditions are so favorable for them, because they can get.

You probably have the right to terminate the contract.

Mahal said...

Holder of the rights described in the contract. If you live in a group of community of property, such contracts do not often have clauses that disgruntled tenants to other tenants care.

Normally, all repairs by the Board, the structural integrity of buildings and real estate has value and often think that the value is a lot of things surface that you are can not believe it necessary, but owners have the right, within the limits to do their agreement.

The proportion of contract customers do not understand is that owners' account of trust income. It seems that the money from this account to the agent belongs to the theme of "trust" the owner for the use of the owner.

Who is the "agent"? Is this you? This money will be put into this bill?

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