Monday, February 8, 2010

Swollen Lips Allergy Benadryl What Does This Sound Like To You, Allergic Reaction?

What does this sound like to you, allergic reaction? - swollen lips allergy benadryl

A week ago, my 3-year-old woke up lethargic, fever during the day, had sores in the mouth and complained that the night does my mouth hurt. Her mouth was swollen and red light. His tongue was swollen tonight. Almost took him to the emergency room, but improved after a Benadryl. I was also in contact with the doctor during the night. The next morning he woke up w / a rash on his stomach. I took him to the pediatrician and the nurse watched. She thought he had indeed culture STREP - and hand, foot and mouth disease virus) (childhood, but was not sure. She put on antibiotics. I Followed my Benadryl or sea. Tonight, her lips swell up again. I gave him Benadryl and I'm the doctor. My husband is redoing the bathrooms and I wonder whether you have exposed the mold spores released into the air during the process were. He has many allergies, but that has never happened before. Ideas?

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